Runner LAB

Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies

Expand your ecosystem
with Blockchain

Blockchain allows connecting unprecedentedly the various actors of an ecosystem, creating trust between parties and allowing for contract management automation.

See what Tinubu is producing on Blockchain.

Here you will find the assets developed by the Innovation LAB Team. This list will be completed progressively with new articles when developed.

  • Infographic
  • Technical paper
  • Scientific publication
  • Technical achievement (or Prototype)



Blockchain for surety and credit insurance: a journey into the hype cycle

You probably hear a little less about blockchain than last year but it does not mean that the technology is being abandoned. Discover our infographic to understand further how adoption develops.

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Blockchain Opportunities for guarantees

This video explains the use of blockchain technologies within the Surety & Guarantee industry with a focus on Asia.

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Visit the other LAB-dedicated pages

Tinubu LAB - XAI
Tinubu LAB - Virtual Assistant
Tinubu LAB - Quantum Computing


Virtual Assistant

Quantum Computing