Credit Insurance

Infographic: The seven steps to launching a credit insurance business

Infographic - The seven steps to launching a credit insurance business

Building a successful credit insurance operation requires careful planning and the right expertise. Here are the 7 crucial steps you’ll need to cover:

  1. Engage an Experienced Professional
    Partner with an industry expert to develop policy wording, assess Gross Written Premium (GWP), and build risk and marketing strategies.

  2. Conduct Market Research
    Analyze the short-term credit insurance landscape, connect with banks, and ensure legal feasibility.

  3. Build the Reinsurance Treaty
    Present a sound business plan to major reinsurers, and involve local and regional players for broader coverage.

  4. Select a Systems Partner
    Choose a SaaS partner with proven experience to support underwriting and risk management.

  5. Identify and Analyze Information Sources
    Leverage international and local data, and establish connections with financial and governmental bodies.

  6. Engage with Regulators
    Begin early discussions with regulators to secure the necessary licensing for your operations.

  7. Prepare for Market Launch
    Recruit key personnel, define your brand, and develop a launch communication strategy.

With our end-to-end SaaS solution, Tinubu is here to guide you through every stage of launching your credit insurance business, from risk underwriting to claims management. Take the first step toward building a successful operation with Tinubu’s support.

Ready to get started?

Download the infographic seven steps to launching a credit insurance business.