Our latest news
Tinubu at the 2021 NASBP Fall East and West Meetings
The NASBP (National Association of Surety Bond Producers) is holding two fall meetings in September and October of 2021.
This will replace the regional meetings from the past by hosting one in the East and the other in the West of the United States.
2021 Fall East Meeting
The Westin Michigan Avenue Chicago
Chicago, IL, September 15 – 17
2021 Fall West Meeting
The InterContinental San Diego
San Diego, CA, October 27 - 29
As a general sponsor, we will be attending both events. When the pandemic started, we have not had many opportunities to see each other face-to-face and are excited to reconnect with many of you.
So many things have happened since last year, including our acquisitions of eSURETY and SuretyWave, and we can't wait to share what we've been up to with Tinubu® eSURETY® and Tinubu® SurePath Digital.
As we look forward to what's ahead, let's find some time to meet and tell us what YOU have been up to.
Please reach out to one of our team members who will be attending and let's connect!Olivier Placca, Group Deputy CEO and Co-founder
Pat McGinty, Tinubu SurePath Digital Business Development Advisor
Adam Gussen, VP Surety Americas
An interview with Marc Meyer, Tinubu's Senior Vice President and Subject Matter Expert in insurance.