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Let's meet at the GTR East Africa

Written by Tinubu | May 6, 2024 8:49:44 AM

This year's edition of GTR East Africa returns to Nairobi, Kenya. The event to be held on May 21-22 aims to provide the premier platform for essential discussion on the region’s trade, commodity, and infrastructure financing markets.

Olivier Placca, Tinubu's Co-Founder & CEO and Emmanuel Pezé, Regional Sales Manager MEA will be at GTR East Africa to network with the industry leaders. They are keen to share their experiences and expertise in the digitalization of trade credit insurance and surety systems.

It will also be an opportunity for them to share Tinubu's latest news on its digital highway of the credit insurance and surety markets the company is building. 

Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with Olivier Placca and Emmanuel Pezé before, during, or after the conference.



To register now, visit the Global Trade Review website at the event page GTR East Africa.